
Hey! I’m Haley.

I am an independent podcaster who started the podcast I needed to hear. Now I help other podcasters fulfill their dream of bringing the podcast their community needs in the world.

After a decade of being an avid podcast junkie, I started my own show. I’m self-taught and have five years of experience building the top show in my niche. I have over 650,000 downloads in 140+ countries (check out my show Adoptees On). I’ve built a listener-funded, sustainable community. You could say I’ve learned a few things that can help you shortcut your research.

I love podcasting. I spend time every week geeking out and keeping up with current podcasting trends and technology, so I’m in the know. It’s fun for me to keep current, and it’s inspiring for me to see what other independent podcasters can do in the world. Let’s make some change together!