I will help you make a fantastic podcast that people want to listen to.
Let’s find your purpose for podcasting so your community will find you.
You want to fully serve your community and it fuels the work you do. But in your desire to share your message everywhere, you’ve unknowingly watered it down and so no one is listening. I can help you narrow in to find your true niche.
You've got your message figured out, but is podcasting right for you?
Let’s talk impact! What do you want your podcast to do for you? Book more clients? Land you speaking opportunities? Turn you into a known expert in your space? Let’s get realistic about podcasting. I won’t ever tell you that podcasting is going to get you rich and famous, but for your listeners, it could change their world.
You’re getting overwhelmed.
You’ve been podcasting for a while, and it started out exciting and new, but now the scope of the work and the disorganization of it all has made you avoid working on it. Don’t podfade! Let’s smooth out your workflow, drop the extras, and keep you podcasting.